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Chapter 4 What is the source of our lives?

Chapter 4: What is the Source of Our Life?

I spoke of resonance at the beginning of this pamphlet and showed that everything that exists in the universe is caused by radiation and resonance. The motion of celestial bodies in the sky, the dizzying rotation of atoms in molecules, is a function of the vacuum radiation of intermolecular space: for example, the density and weight of aluminum (thirteen electrons in an atom) are different from the seventy-nine electrons in an atom of gold, and it is the vacuum of intermolecular space that creates the specificity of each substance: thus, of the ninety-two chemical elements known to us, any object has its own radiation and can therefore be embodied by resonance.
To give you an idea of the complexity and specificity of radiation, I will tell you that there are various vibrations in the universe.
Some directly affect our senses, such as sound and light vibrations; others, such as electrical and ultrasonic vibrations, infrared and ultraviolet vibrations, can only be detected and measured by appropriate equipment: spectroscopes, wavelengthmeters, etc.
Vibrations differ from one another by their nature (sound, light, electric waves, etc.) and their frequency (i.e., the number of vibrations per second).
As for electromagnetic waves, which cannot directly affect our senses, so far we have been able to identify them with appropriate instruments over a huge range of frequencies, from 10,000 cycles per second (30,000 m, wavelength) to 150 trillion cycles per second (0.00002 thousandths of a wavelength). But as the precision of our equipment improves, this upper frequency limit is decreasing day by day.
However, the specificity of each organism depends on its chemical and electrical constants, and thus on its cellular oscillations, and thus on all its vibrations. Therefore, the frequency of cell vibration in humans is different from that of dogs, horses, lions or elephants, which means that we can explain what happens in our bodies when certain minerals are lacking, which leads to an imbalance in cell vibration and a weakening of the materialization of these minerals.
But to help understand this very complex mechanism of life, we will again take the example of an opera orchestra, because the sounds and harmonies we perceive with our ears are comparable in every way to the electromagnetic waves and harmonies outside our senses.
If we choose the Opera Orchestra, it is because it constitutes the most perfect acoustic harmony we know. In such an orchestra, the distribution of all instruments is studied most carefully: this is how we fix the number of first violins at 18, the number of second violins at 16, the number of violas and cellos at 12, the number of double violins at 10, and so on for the other instruments.
We can imagine that to express the soul of drama or lyrical tragedy through vibration requires such a rich variety of instruments.
On the other hand, you know that in addition to large symphony orchestras, there are many other instrument groups: for example, chamber ensembles, strings or wind music, which include a smaller number of instruments: trios, quartets, quintets, and in addition, there are many other instrument associations: harmony, brass band, military band, jazz band, etc. Each instrument in these groups was created to serve a specific purpose, and within its genre it can be perfected.
Now, as I said above, the specific characteristics of each living being’s life function are closely dependent on the distribution of all minerals contained in its cells and must constitute a particular vibrational harmony.
Thus, continuing the comparison with an orchestra, we can say that the vibrations of single-celled organisms (such as microorganisms) are comparable to those of a single instrument.
Similarly, from a vibrational point of view, the mouse corresponds to a ukulele, the ox corresponds to a brass band, the lion corresponds to military music, and the man finally corresponds to an opera orchestra, because it is the most perfect creation.
The vibrations of each living entity correspond to a well-defined range of radiation for each biological species, just as the vibrations of different orchestras characterize the particular harmony of each orchestra.
We can now understand what happens to our bodies when we are over sixty. All geriatric diseases arrive in the caravan: sexual dysfunction, cancer, rheumatism, gout, memory loss, etc.
Why is this happening? I have already told you that our organism contains all 92 simple chemical elements, each with a specific vibration, in doses that provide specific electrical support for the vibration of the cell itself.
In our human organism, the distribution and dosage of various minerals is so perfect that we can compare all its vibrations to the harmony of an opera orchestra.
However, you know that certain instruments will be out of tune during the same performance of the orchestra. As a result, performers must retune their instruments after each piece of music.
Unfortunately, our bodies are different. They are the best vibrating orchestra for all beings. In fact, the minerals that make up our cells gradually decrease throughout our lives from around age eighteen and, as we shall see later, can even partially disappear. It’s like being in an opera orchestra and having instruments that are out of tune and can’t be retuned.
The result is an imbalance of cellular oscillations, leading to disease and death.
To restore the balance of oscillation, we must readjust our cellular oscillators by supplying the body with what it lacks. Certain glands already assume this role: these are endocrine glands, secreting substances that are redistributed to various tissues through blood and lymph.
Instead, the only glands in our bodies that wear out and cannot regenerate are male testes and female ovaries. Indeed, the loss of this substance corresponds to reproduction and thus to the maintenance of the species. But for the individual himself, the loss of this essential substance for life inevitably leads to degeneration and death.
Let us see how and why these losses of vital substances occur. From the time the sperm fertilizes the egg until the man is 15 to 18 years old, the resonance point produced by fertilization is maintained in the body until this age, continuously ensuring the materialization of all minerals contained in the body. Germ, the source of life.
Thus, the embryo continues to develop normally through nuclear division until it reaches maturity.
But at this point, two specific glands form, the male testis and the female ovary, preventing the growth and development of the individual in order to ensure reproduction and the protection of the species.

From this moment on, humans had reached their peak and started to decline. Its life potential gradually decreases, at first quite slightly, until about forty years old, and then more rapidly, until death. (Starting in their 40s, men’s testosterone levels fall by about 1% a year.) Why is this decline? This is because the hormonal substances that are the source of life are not stored in the body as are the secretions of other endocrine glands, but are constantly externalized by ejaculation, or even without mating, by “passing in a continuous manner through the urine.”
this result in diminished cell oscillation, degeneration, disease and death. The same phenomenon occurs in orchestras, where instruments are played untuned, and some instruments are not even playable.
Therefore, in order to correct these degenerative processes, it is necessary to provide the body with the same chemicals found in the sperm that created the human race.
Brown-Seckard, the father of modern ovarian therapy, already had an intuition about the necessity about 50 years ago. He came up with the idea of giving humans drugs derived from animal testicular glands.
The idea was good, but it failed due to a lack of focus, which is necessary. It’s really nice to replace the symphony orchestra’s inadequate instruments with jazz or military instruments.
Voronov went further, closer to the truth. He tried to transplant the piece of chimpanzee testicle that was closest to us physiologically into a human testicle. Like Brown-Sequard, he argued that we would thus be able to enhance the activity of the genetic functions of humans and indeed of all other glands.
Indeed, we found that the monkey gland transplantation in a certain period of time (three or four years) to activate the human sexual function. But, despite the monkey’s close relationship with humans, there is no identity between its glands and our glands, and therefore lack of specificity.
I believe that in order to achieve optimal and lasting results, it is necessary to introduce into our bodies the exact same specific substances that provide our life with sperm or eggs, which amounts to the same thing.
So, let’s find out what is the ideal precursor of our organism, the sperm, how it is produced, and what it plays an important role in our existence, you know our testes contain many epithelial tubules. The walls of these tubules, which lead to the urethra, are lined with small fins, which look like radiators. It is these tubules between these fins secrete a semen material, it is our body contains the most abundant mineral content of all the material.
In addition to proteinoid, various proteinaceous substances and different organic salts: phosphate, chloride, sulfate, etc……. It contains all the chemical minerals: sodium, magnesium, calcium, etc……. And up to trace amounts of gold and platinum.
But why is this substance, unlike the secretions of other glands in the body, the cause of life?
It is because of the abundance of these minerals and their distribution that when two cells (sperm and egg) containing all of these substances combine, there is the appropriate radiation and resonance that causes nuclear division, cell division, you know the process, creating a perfect being who is already a human being when he is born.
Thus, it is because of the wonderful distribution of all these minerals that life is created. Thus, all these minerals combined to form semen material is indeed the cause of our life.
The same is clearly true for eggs, which are sperm partners. Chemical analysis of testicular and ovarian material showed that, in fact, the two substances are identical in chemical properties.
We can now understand how life develops and remains intact into adulthood, but why it begins to decline from this point on, why we weaken and eventually die.
I explained to you at the beginning of this book, the development of all living things are the result of the materialization.
I have successfully used my multi-wave oscillator to accelerate the cellular oscillation, thus realizing the materialization of rare minerals in the body through the semi-mineralization of tissues. But this process works only if the organic matter necessary for nuclear division to act as a resonance point for materialization is still present. It goes without saying that without these resonance points, it is impossible to materialize, just as in a well-sterilized petri dish, if not seeded beforehand, there will be no microorganisms, no resonance. This is the whole drama of our existence!
In order to make up for the lack of resonance point, I think, if we can for the body to supplement the lack of semen minerals, these minerals distribution is so wonderful, they are the source of all life, we can not only successfully rebuild oscillation balance, and can successfully rebuild balance. Perfection and flexibility are the hallmarks of all our tissues when we were young, when a wealth of matter was found there.
This will eliminate aging and all the diseases it causes.
The causes of disease disappear, and we can extend our lives to unexpected limits: perhaps hundreds of years.
Unfortunately, it is clearly very difficult to obtain this substance.
Therefore, I have thought for a long time about this problem, and in my opinion, solving this problem can save mankind a lot of pain.
After one thousand times to think, I am looking for a practical way to get the semen material. Nature can’t ask every man after ejaculation to collect the liquid.
Finally, I came up with the idea that we could try to get this raw material for life in the so-called “houses of tolerance,” and mass produce it there. In these institutions, not only can get enough for the experiment, but also can improve the whole human race.
However, semen can be collected under optimal conditions of hygiene and cleanliness. In fact, the 20-to 30-year-olds who frequented the homes often used condoms. Because the substance is packaged in a sterile envelope, after ejaculation, nothing is easier than transferring the contents to a jar filled with half the 96% alcohol, which ensures immediate sterilization.

In this case, there is no concern about the risk of bacterial infection. Any disease (syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.), because the semen material only spent a few weeks in alcohol before use, apparently does not contain any pathogenic microorganisms.
Therefore, we can use this substance completely safely, in the form of drops for oral absorption, or better yet, by intramuscular or testicular injection.
Let us add that the semen collected in this way is healthier and more specific, as it comes from young people who strictly use condoms to avoid any risk of infection.
We may be concerned that some people feel real disgust at the thought of taking drugs from this source. This is completely wrong, because once the drug has been chemically treated, it is no longer the same substance. By extracting the minerals, I succeeded in removing all the precipitated wood, cellulose and other substances from this material, leaving only the soluble minerals, thus obtaining a clear liquid, without odor or taste, and apparently without causing any discomfort. In addition, it does not contain any toxic ingredients, because it is a superior human organic products, is the source of our life.
In addition, in reality there are more dirty treatment method, at present, in order to treat some acute furunculosis, need to inject with the most serious infection of patients with pus serum. Thus, this seminal material is less objectionable and safer than all microorganism-based or glandular-based serum from animal carcasses, as is the case with electrotherapy.
So I got the substance pretty easily. Having this admirable liquid is for me an experimental question: but how?
Microbiology, like biology, stipulates that any experiment must first be conducted on animals, usually guinea pigs, mice, dogs, etc.
However, in this case, this method is not appropriate, and even run counter to the purpose of pursuing. In fact, this new process is based on the specificity of human semen material. We imagine, therefore, that we can only get negative or mediocre results from experiments on animals with this particular human substance, as if we had applied the glandular secretions of animals to humans in reverse, according to the Brown-Sekward method.
So my first idea was to experiment on myself, because in all the research I’ve done so far, I’ve always thought of myself as a guinea pig, and I’ve experimented on myself.
This is also the best way for researchers to move forward: There is nothing better to verify the validity of their experiments than to observe their own details.
Very much so. If we try the effects of this semen substance on animals, even those close to humans, such as monkeys, the experiment will fail prematurely, because in this case, an important part of this new therapy is specificity, in which case specificity will not be respected.
On reflection, however, I told myself that my situation might not be very conclusive, because I had been exposed to multiple radiations almost every day for more than fourteen years while I had been wearing the oscillator circuit. Although I sometimes use this shaker to treat myself, my health is such that despite my advanced age (69), I still haven’t experienced any signs of aging, whatever they are. However, as I said in my book Longevity, I fell seriously ill twenty-seven years ago, when I was condemned by all the medical authorities. On the other hand, I now feel so full of vitality, so euphoric, although I was sixty-nine years old, but I’m not fifty years old.

Isn’t the best barometer of my health that I put in a lot of work every day (nearly 18 hours a day) without the slightest bit of fatigue?
If this new drug can have a beneficial effect on the body, as I am sure, I really don’t know what I can do better for myself.
However, I think it’s useful to try this treatment on myself first, not to improve my health, which I don’t need, but most importantly to verify if there are contraindications to this application.
So I started taking four to six drops of the liqueur with each meal, half a glass of water. I carefully observe yourself, going to once found a pathological abnormalities will stop treatment.
However, the fact is on the contrary, I was very good health further improved.
So I experimented with myself for about a month and a half. Almost every day I feel some power is back, some of the feeling of youth is back, I have never felt so strongly in forty years.
In order to test their new youth strength, I tried to catch up with a bus, ran one hundred meters to catch up with, not a breath, it is impossible in the past.
But what confirmed my observation was that all those who had not seen me for months or years were surprised and amazed at how new I was.
Now aware of the safety of the process, I didn’t hesitate to experiment with friends who were sixty-five to seventy-five years old, old and completely degraded, so they could get everything and not lose anything.
The results I got exceeded all my expectations. As a result of the daily absorption of this substance, most of the subjects experienced a rejuvenation that has heretofore not been achievable either by transplantation or by any other drug treatment.
I enthusiastically report these experimental facts to the medical community, biologists, and scientists around the world.
But we should not believe that we automatically get these beneficial effects in any subject at any dose.
Thus, of the ten people who tried the treatment, six had positive results; the other four had zero, and sometimes even negative, results, leading to some organic disorder.
But I was not discouraged. In fact, I think it’s a question of dosage.
In this talk, I’m comparing our bodies to a symphony orchestra that gives the most perfect vibrational harmony, and if certain instruments, violins, cellos, harps, pianos, are out of tune, to retune them, you don’t have to turn the keys in any way, in any direction. Instead, we have to pull the string to the precise point where it resonates with the pitch.
The same is true of the symphony orchestra that makes up all the cells of the human body.
But how can we use semen to regulate our bodies?
Well, the problem was so difficult that I managed to find a reasonable solution. It’s easy with the help of a prospecting pendulum, which allows you to precisely adjust the liquid dose to each person’s body resonance.
Hearing this, I immediately saw many scientists who did not believe in divination stand up against this method, on the pretext that the art has not yet been scientifically explained.
Now, although I am not a soothsayer myself, I have witnessed such extraordinary experiences, which are undoubtedly permissible for me, and the undeniable facts of the experience have given me absolute conviction. Then I sought scientific explanations for these phenomena and revealed it in several of my works, notably Eternity, Life and Death, Earth and Us, and above all Matter.
My explanation has been adopted by most prospectors and even practitioners who use prospecting methods to treat patients.
Thus Abbot Merme, Father Vermeister of Munich, the famous Pendulum Hart of Zurich, and many others divined according to my theory.
But most to my delight, my theory has been a famous Belgian scientist, permanent secretary of the royal Belgian academy of sciences Dr Dreyner confirmed. In December 1938, Dr Derenne in the journal Radiesthesiste of Liege published an article, after talking about can capture and measure the radiation of the human body, expressed the following views:
“For example: About two weeks ago, I was called to examine a patient in the company of a famous Belgian soothsayer and found myself in front of a young man whose appearance did not reveal his illness. Instead of asking the patient any questions, the soothsayer examined the patient and recorded his conclusions in writing. I also had a careful clinical examination and was diagnosed with progressive tuberculosis of the left lung, bacterial intestinal disease, and tuberculous ulceration of the rectal mucosa. Then the soothsayer gave me his conclusions, which included tuberculosis of the left lung, intestinal disease, and rectal disease.
The disturbing example is not supernatural, nor isolated. Therefore, we must admit that diseased organs not only radiate, but also radiate in a different way from healthy organs.
In order to explain the origin of waves, whether they come from the living or inanimate world, and their translation through the pendulum, some more or less possible hypotheses have been proposed. The one that seems to me to be the most grounded is explained by the erudite physicist M.Lakhovsky in his book Matter.
Each atom produces a specific compression within the ether, which produces radiation of a specific wavelength, which is characteristic of the matter in question. These characteristic radiations propagate throughout the universe, passing through our bodies, creating an influence field composed of radiation from the centers of the oscillating cell elements chromosomes and mitochondria. The resulting electromagnetic field creates a new state of oscillation in the cells of our body, which in turn causes the pendulum to move. “The latter, in most scientists ‘view, have a physical origin, that is to say, they are due to the control of the autonomic nervous system caused by weak unconscious and involuntary muscle contraction. Therefore, they do not originate in the experimenter’s brain, the experimenter will not command the pendulum according to his will, in this or that direction or in this or that number of revolution, ellipse, beat. Instead, the prospector must have a cold heart and, above all, not want to find it. Like the receiver of the T.S.F., he must adjust his relationship to what he seeks by eliminating the mass of waves around him and by adjusting his nervous system to receive the only radiation he wants……” I will now explain to you how we managed to adjust the precise dose of semen, to resonate with the symphony orchestra of our body.
So I interviewed one of the aces in medical prospecting, E. B. Hey, doc. When he came to my lab, he showed me how easy it was to make this adjustment by taking a letter, or even just a subject’s signature, placing a vial of semen on top of it, and then using the pendulum, thinking about the number of drops to dispense.
Of course, if the subject’s hand holding a small tube of the liquid, and the pendulum moving above it, the result is more certain.
Then the pendulum began to swing, precisely measuring the number of droplets the subject should drop, causing it to resonate with their body.
So, in a few minutes, he managed to find the number of drops that corresponded to five different themes.
I couldn’t believe my eyes when faced with this childish simplicity of technology. When I expressed my surprise to Dr. B, he said to me,”This is not rocket science, you can do it yourself.” “I tried it, and immediately got the same result as he, although I am not a soothsayer.
In spite of this, my heart still have some doubts. However, I tried to give each subject the prescribed number of drops.
Well, I noticed that after about ten days, my subjects came to me with enthusiastic thanks for the positive results they had achieved.
Here, we found a foolproof way to readjust our body’s symphony vibrations when they’re out of tune.
This treatment is all the more compelling because it is not a matter of recommending a patent or any pharmaceutical specialty. In fact, as I said above, any biologist, any doctor can easily obtain this material.
Naturally, I shared this discovery and the progress of these experiments with a number of scientists and my friend, the head of the Pasteur Institute. Most people are enthusiastic about this method and this discovery.
One of them even declared to me,”This is a momentous event in the history of biology, and the consequences may be incalculable.” “Most people tell me:
“We understand very well that you immediately start experimenting on yourself and then on others, because it’s a matter of species-specificity for humans.
“But getting your method accepted by official science is going to be pretty tough because you’re breaking the rules and you want to immediately apply a method to humans that hasn’t been tested on animals before.” “We know you’re a revolutionary, but that’s not a reason to listen to you!”

I replied that I was not a revolutionary and that I was accustomed to saying what I thought and thought, even at the risk of offending some ignorant “scholar.” In fact, my experience proves me right.
I am convinced-and my daily research confirms this-that with this approach we will be able to easily cure the most serious diseases, such as tuberculosis, syphilis and even cancer. Because all diseases are caused by the imbalance of cell oscillation caused by the lack of hormone substances, the source of life, in certain tissues and organs.
Indeed, in biology and medicine, everyone agrees that it is the resistance of our bodies that enables us to overcome all diseases.
Millions of microbes live in our mouths, lungs, intestines, and nasal passages, and the nasal passages are true biological ovens in which microbes thrive.
If all these microbes had taken over our bodies, humans would be long gone. Thus, it is the resistance of this organism that kills the microorganisms and eliminates all causes of disease, but to have this strong resistance, all glands must be secreted properly, and it is through human semen substances that “we can achieve this beautiful result.”
Moralists would no doubt resent the idea that we must resort to such licensed houses to save humanity.
I have no intention of entering into a moral discussion here, which has no place in this manual and is beyond my competence.
Suffice it to say that if the law authorizes these institutions, it is because it may consider them socially useful.
But in this case, I believe that if their usefulness is questioned now, it will certainly not be so tomorrow, when the methods I propose will be applied to save millions of our fellow human beings from the worst diseases and to prolong human life without suffering. These houses will no longer be “tolerant” but communal.
Let us even admit-and I’m happy to agree with this-that these houses constitute an offence to morality and religion. More importantly, if they didn’t exist, I would be tempted to oppose their construction.
But since they exist, we might as well use the precious substance they provide us for the benefit of mankind.
I also firmly believe that in the future these houses will no longer be seen as places of shame and taboo enjoyment, but as annexes to medical school laboratories.
Now that I have explained to you how to improve the balance of our lives and delay death to unexpected limits, we can ask ourselves whether life is really worth prolonging to this point.
In fact, we are witnessing scenes of brutality. Humans seem to have really lost their minds, even their sense of civilization.
The whole world was thrown into chaos: on all sides there was nothing but revolution, civil war and foreign war, the total destruction of cities, art and historical monuments, the massacre of unarmed populations and, it must be noted, the massacre of people who claimed to be acting in the name of civilization: bombing civilized cities under the pretext of achieving military objectives.
Thousands of children, women and the elderly have been massacred, innocent victims of these senseless killings.
Our planet has become a stage for relentless ideological struggle, with great nations ruled by outlaws. Whether their names were Stalin, Hitler or Mussolini, their methods of coercion and bloodlust were the same.
They murder and die in the name of the proletariat, others in the name of racism.
To them, every treaty is a piece of paper, and every word is worthless. Their doctrine is the law of the strongest, which they apply in order to deceive the weakest.
However, for my part, I believe that humans have biological, social and moral roles in the world.
Despite the madness and imbalance of certain brains, which, by combining their powers, cause terrible destruction, I believe that the vast majority of people are still imbued with the moral and civilizing virtues that it has taken so long for man to acquire, and which he has acquired at such a high price.
That’s why I decided to publish this new treatment. I believe that this will make it possible to prolong life to compensate for the cruel losses humanity is currently suffering as a result of barbarism. I prefer to do so because I will not forgive myself for taking the secret of the process to my grave.
For we currently live in such an unbalanced age, in which life is constantly threatened, that the healthiest physically and morally can never be sure of tomorrow.
Besides, my role as guinea pig in all experiments puts my life in permanent danger.
I bequeath this method to mankind, and I suggest it be used to save lives.
It is also my scientific and moral testimony.
May the civilized world benefit from it and make good use of it.









至于电磁波,它不能直接影响我们的感官,迄今为止,我们已经能够通过适当的仪器在巨大的频率范围内识别它们,从每秒 10,000 个周期(30,000 m,波长)到 每秒l50 万亿周期数(波长的千分之 0.000002 毫米)。但随着我们设备精度的提高,这个频率上限正在日益下降。




如果我们选择歌剧院管弦乐队,那是因为它构成了我们所知道的最完美的声音和谐。在这样的管弦乐队中,所有乐器的分布都经过最仔细的研究:这就是我们将第一小提琴的数量固定为 18 支,第二小提琴的数量为 16 支,中提琴和大提琴的数量为 12 支,低音提琴的数量是10,其他乐器也是如此。








为什么会这样呢?我已经告诉过你,我们的有机体包含所有 92 个简单的化学元素,每个化学元素都有特定的振动,其剂量为细胞本身振动提供特定的电支持。




































然而,可以在卫生和清洁的最佳条件下收集精液。事实上,经常光顾这些房子的20至30岁的年轻人通常都使用安全套。由于这种物质被封装在一个无菌信封中,射精后,没有什么比将内容物转移到装有一半 96% 酒精的罐子中更容易的了,这样可以确保立即灭菌。













然而,经过反思,我告诉自己,我的情况可能不会很有结论,因为,在我佩戴振荡电路十四年多的时间里,我几乎每天都受到多重辐射的影响。尽管我有时会用这个振荡器来治疗自己,但我的健康状况是,尽管我已经年事已高(69 岁),但我仍然没有经历任何衰老症状,无论它们是什么。然而,正如我在《长寿》一书中所说,二十七年前我得了重病,当时我受到了所有医学权威的谴责。另一方面,我现在感到如此充满活力,如此欣快,尽管我已经六十九岁了,但我还不到五十岁。




因此,我开始每餐服用 4 到 6 滴这种利口酒,加入半杯水中。我仔细观察自己,打算一旦发现一丝病理异常就停止治疗。



















但最令我高兴的是,我的理论得到了比利时著名科学家、比利时皇家科学院常务秘书德雷纳博士的证实。 1938 年 12 月,Derenne 博士在《Radiesthesiste of Liege》杂志上发表的一篇文章中,谈到可以捕捉和测量人体的辐射后,表达了如下观点:



为了解释波的起源,无论它们是来自生命世界还是无生命世界,以及它们通过钟摆的翻译,人们提出了一些或多或少可能的假设。对我来说似乎最有根据的一个是由博学的物理学家 M.Lakhovsky 在他的《物质》一书中解释的。

《每个原子在以太内产生特定的压缩,从而产生特定波长的辐射,这是所讨论物质的特征。这些特征辐射在整个宇宙中传播,穿过我们的身体,从而产生一个影响场,该影响场由来自振荡细胞元件染色体和线粒体中心的辐射组成。由此产生的电磁场在我们身体的细胞中产生一种新的振荡状态,进而导致钟摆的运动。 》

《后者,在大多数科学家看来,有物理起源,也就是说,它们是由于自主神经系统控制的微弱的无意识和不自主的肌肉收缩所致。因此,它们并不起源于实验者的大脑,实验者不会命令钟摆按照他的意愿,在这个或那个方向或以这样那样的数字进行回转、椭圆、节拍。相反,探矿者必须有一颗冷漠的心,最重要的是不想找到。就像 T.S.F. 的接收者一样,他必须通过消除周围的大量波并通过调整他的神经系统来接收唯一想要的辐射来调整自己与所寻求的事物的关系……》我现在将解释向您介绍我们如何设法调整精确剂量的精液,以与我们身体的交响乐团产生共鸣。

因此,我采访了医学探矿领域的王牌人物之一、巴黎前诊所负责人 E. B. 医生。来到我的实验室后,他向我证明这种调整非常容易做到,他只需要拿一封信,甚至只是一个受试者的签名,在这个签名上放一小瓶精液,然后使用摆锤,思考要开出的滴数。




面对这种幼稚的简单技术,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。当我向 B 博士表达我的惊讶时,他对我说:“这不是火箭科学,你可以自己做。 》 我尝试了一下,立刻得到了和他一样的结果,虽然我不是占卜师。






其中一位甚至向我宣称:“这是生物学史上发生的一件重大事件,其后果可能是无法估量的。 》大多数人告诉我:































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