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Chapter 2 Specific Characteristics of Germ

Chapter 2 Specific Characteristics of the Germ

I have just given you a brief overview of physics, biology, and the basic principles of cellular oscillation. On this threefold basis, I will try to show you what life is, how it came into being, how it was born and developed, and why it disappeared.
You know, all life whether animals or plants, are born from the germ. This is the common denominator of all biological history. The form of this germ, and what the masculine and feminine elements it combines to produce, are not important.
In plants, the fertilization of the oocyst by pollen produces the germ we find in wheat kernels, beans, acorns, apple seeds, and cherry pits.
In animals, a male’s sperm fertilizes a female’s egg, producing the first embryonic cell, the characteristic egg laid by an oviparous female, and develops in the uterus of a viviparous female.
Why does every creature come from a well-defined germ, and only from that germ? Why does the germ of every animal or plant always produce the existence of the same species, that is, absolutely specific products? Therefore, a grain of wheat will always grow wheat, a grain of beans will always grow beans.
In order to answer these questions, we must first examine the biological germ development conditions.
Because in a biological sense, the germ not only reproduce species, but also the diversity and specific qualities. For example, a grain of hard, bearded wheat will produce hard, bearded wheat. The core of a Mirabelle plum grows a Mirabelle tree, and the Mirabelle tree grows the Mirabelle plum.
I’ve just shown you that germs always produce certain products. However, this didn’t mean that all embryos of the same species were the same. You know, there are two billion people on the earth, no two people are exactly the same. Similarly, of the countless grains of wheat harvested each year in the world, no two have exactly the same number of atoms and electrons, because these characteristic elements of wheat grains are a function of many factors: the nature of the soil, latitude, climate, and cosmic radiation over time.
The same is true for all other embryos of the same animal or plant species.
So what do these traits and diversity of each organism correspond to? It relates to the distribution of minerals in the germ that carries life.
You know, in every organism, whether it’s microbes, people or elephants, mold, plants or trees, we find all the combinations of chemicals in minerals, ternary and nitrogenous materials. The specificity of each germ depends precisely on the proportion of the minerals it contains, which continue to materialize, at least in theory, throughout the growth of the organism, and even throughout its life cycle. But in fact, as we’ll see later, this materialization diminishes with age because of the lack of resonance points.
In order to explain to you the wonderful harmony of life, which is a function of the distribution of minerals in the organism, I’d better compare the biological electric radiation to the sound of a large symphony orchestra vibration. With such an orchestra, operas such as Wagner’s “The Master of Singing,” Bizet’s “Carmen” and Puccini’s “Tosca” can be recreated with all their skill and brilliance.
Let’s assume that, for some reason, the conductor of the Opera House decides not to replace the failed musician in his orchestra, and that he either leaves or dies. Decades from now, the orchestra will gradually become poorer, and it will no doubt still play “The Singer,””Carmen” and “Tosca,” but the quality and beauty of those performances will also gradually diminish until the orchestra’s final performance.
If musicians, such as violinists, cellists, harpists, pianists, etc., do not adjust their instruments. The orchestra will also play out of tune, which will be a real dissonance.
Now, every creature is so, especially humans, this is our most interested in. As we age, our body loses most of its constituent minerals, which are gradually eliminated by tissue wear from about age 40, and cannot be re-produced (materialized) in the body due to the reduction of the oscillation resonance point. This is a hormonal imbalance, and in the next chapter we’ll see where this deficiency in resonance comes from and how to fix it.

第二章 胚芽的具体特征












为了向你解释生命的奇妙和谐,这是有机体中矿物质分布的一种功能,我最好把生物的电辐射比作大型交响乐团的声音振动。 有了这样一个管弦乐队,瓦格纳的《歌唱大师》、比才的《卡门》和普契尼的《托斯卡》等歌剧就可以以其所有的技巧和辉煌重现。

让我们假设,出于某种原因,歌剧院的指挥家决定不取代他的管弦乐队中失败的音乐家,他要么离开,要么死去。 几十年后,这个管弦乐队会逐渐变穷,毫无疑问,它仍然会演奏《歌唱大师》、《卡门》和《托斯卡》,但这些表演的质量和美感也会逐渐减弱,直到这个管弦乐队的最后一次演出。

如果音乐家,例如小提琴家、大提琴家、竖琴家、钢琴家等, 他们没有调整他们的乐器。 管弦乐队同样会演奏跑调,这将是一个真正的不和谐。

现在,每一个生物都是如此,尤其是人类,这是我们最感兴趣的。 随着年龄的增长,我们的身体失去了大部分的组成矿物质,这些矿物质从大约40岁开始通过组织的磨损逐渐被消除,并且由于振荡共振点的减少,这些矿物质不能再在身体中再次产生(物质化)。 这是荷尔蒙失衡,


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