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Chapter 1 Cell oscillation, resonance and materialization




我们将研究性的基础是如何首先形成的,两个完整的存在物是如何实现的,在我的著作《生命的起源》(The Origin of Life)中,我在1926年提出了细胞振荡的原理:








每个活细胞都是一个装满液体的小盒子,里面像水族馆一样游动着大量类似于小鳗鱼的超微观细丝,根据它们的大小和功能,我们将它们称为染色体和软骨瘤。为了让您了解它们的尺寸,我将告诉您,细胞的大小变化很大,平均为 15 至 20 微米(千分之一毫米)。

染色体是这些元素中最大的,长度仅超过 5 至 6 微米。






因此,当在包含两架钢琴的房间中时,您敲击键盘上的任何音符(例如 G),另一架钢琴将立即开始在同一八度的同一音符 G 上振动,从而排除其他所有音符。


这种物理现象也很普遍,并且有很多应用。在我看来,宇宙中存在的一切都是共振现象的结果。我们可以找到的与蜂窝振荡电路最引人注目的比较是 T.S.F. 设备,通过转动其中一个接收器的旋钮,我们将电路调整到所选发射的波长,这使我们能够听到来自罗马的音乐会等。 罗马的波长约 420 米,巴黎 P. T. T. 波长约 431 米,对于您想收听的每个电台也是如此。











All physiologists, histologists, and cytologists have made important contributions to the discovery of the various processes of life, from the formation of the first germ to its death, and they have described to us in detail the histology of sex cells, their birth, and their death. Growth, their combination, and the formation of organisms, but no one has ever shown us the invincible power, this power dominates the eternal creation, namely life.
We will examine how the foundations of sexuality are first formed, and how two complete beings are realized. In my book The Origin of Life, I proposed in 1926 the principle of cellular oscillation:
“Life is produced by radiation,”
“Sustained by radiation,”
“Is suppressed by the imbalance of all oscillation. “Over the past 12 years, this principle has been validated and confirmed in a large number of biological, therapeutic and clinical studies conducted in many countries.
Since I have explained cell oscillations in detail in my various work, I shall briefly review them here.
Cell oscillation.;
Cell oscillation is the root cause of life. In fact, we know that every living thing is made up of many cells. Therefore, the number in the human body is no less than about 200 trillion.
Each living cell is a small box filled with liquid, swimming like an aquarium inside a large number of similar to small eel ultramicroscopic filaments, according to their size and function, we call them chromosomes and chondroma. To give you an idea of their size, I’ll tell you that cells vary widely in size, averaging 15 to 20 microns (thousandths of a millimeter).
The chromosome is the largest of these elements, only over 5 to 6 microns in length.
All of these eels, chromosomes and chondroma are actually made of insulating material, cholesterol, plastic protein of small tube, filled with a liquid, a serum, dissolved the mineral elements in the sea, is also a conductor of electricity.
Thus, each tube constitutes an oscillating circuit, with self-induction and capacitance, similar to a Hertzian resonator.
But how can we imagine that these basic circuits can vibrate electrically? As I will show you, this phenomenon is caused by resonance and materialized.
You know, in physics we call it resonance: it’s a resonance phenomenon that occurs between two equal elements.
So, when you are in a room with two pianos, and you hit any note on the keyboard (such as a G), the other piano will immediately start vibrating on the same note G on the same octave, excluding all other notes.
Similarly, if you hang two pendulums of the same size on a wall and let one of them vibrate, the other will soon start moving and also vibrate at the same frequency, even if the two pendulums are a few meters apart?
This physical phenomenon is also very common, and there are many applications. In my opinion, everything that exists in the universe is the result of resonance phenomena. The most compelling comparison we can find with cellular oscillator circuits is the T.S.F. device, where by turning the knob of one of the receivers, we tune the circuit to the wavelength of the selected emission, which enables us to hear concerts from Rome, etc. The wavelength of Rome is about 420 meters, and the wavelength of Paris P. T. T. The wavelength is about 431 meters, and that’s true for every station you want to listen to.
We might wonder how chromosomes and mitochondria, as well as cells and all the elements of our organisms, from the atoms themselves to the electrons, find their vibrational frequencies in their surroundings. In fact, for a circuit to oscillate, it must find radiation that oscillates at its own wavelength.
Now, to be precise, all possible frequencies can be found in a vast range of vibrations that run through the universe, so I call it the “universe.” In a work of this name, I proved that the universe is actually filled with an immaterial substance, that it is the carrier of all radiation and the seat of all forces, that it is everywhere, that it exists in everything, and that it can be thought of as the cause of everything in the universe. It is she that makes the atoms, electrons, and the stars in the sky along the huge trajectory.
However, in the universe, everything is radiation. Every material, every substance, every existence, even emits a specific radiation. On the contrary, as I explained in detail in my book Matter, every radiation can materialize (radiation into matter).
In order to prove the materialization, we can refer to the classic experiment.
In a glass flask or petri dish, inoculate a colony of any kind of microorganism onto sterile agar: for example, Staphylococcus or Escherichia coli. This microbial community, like all living things, contains most of the chemicals, and we assume that it contains one millionth of a milligram of iron and phosphorus. However, after a few days, at the most appropriate temperature, 37°C. For example, we’ll find millions of microbial colonies in a petri dish, which contains a million times more minerals, that is to say, a few milligrams of iron and phosphorus.
Where did the iron and phosphorus that neither glass nor agar contained come from? They actually come from the materialization of environmental radiation, which presents radiation from all chemical minerals and all substances. Thus, these microorganisms that develop on agar are materialized by resonance.
I have explained this argument in detail in many books, please refer to the reader.

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