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Some misunderstandings about multi-wave oscillators

Misunderstanding and interpretation

1. The fundamental frequencies of multiwave oscillators range from 750 kilo to 1000 gigahertz, and from 1 to 300 trillion vibrations per second

The content of frequency in this book is derived from the source of the wave and radiation life, can be found in my translation of the book on page 18. But whether it’s intentional misdirection or lack of scientific knowledge, the book’s reference to harmonics is never mentioned, which can lead to the misunderstanding that the machine is actually capable of emitting waves at these frequencies. In fact, it is impossible for a machine to transmit such a wide range of frequencies at the same time.

Radio harmonics refer to the components of periodic alternating current with frequencies equal to integer multiples of the fundamental frequency obtained by Fourier series decomposition, and are often referred to as higher harmonics. If the fundamental is 50Hz, the second harmonic is 100Hz and the third harmonic is 150Hz. ‌

Multiwave oscillator fundamental is between 750KHZ-1000KHZ, and because of its voltage is too high, so after Fourier series decomposition of the harmonic frequency can easily to GHZ. In addition, the multi-loop antenna will radiate electric sparks outwards, and the frequency of this part of visible light and invisible light is the part exceeding GHZ.

That is to say, the frequency of the multiwave oscillator is composed of two parts: one is the frequency generated by the oscillation of the electromagnetic coil, and the other is the optical frequency of the electric spark.

2. Multiwave oscillator is in Nicholas. with the help of Tesla.

Lakhovsky is French (immigrated from Russia), while Tesla is American. The MWO was built around 1930 with the help of its teacher, D’Arsonval.

So why do you want to link it with Tesla? What’s the purpose of that?

In the age of the Internet, Nikola Tesla has been packaged by foreign media as an omnipotent and mysterious person, not only in physical science, but also in spiritual practice. As long as the product or content is connected to Tesla, it can attract people and show professionalism. In addition, the boost coil in MWO is similar to the structure of Tesla coil. Therefore, many MWO products are Tesla coils connected to antennas called MWO, and even the frequency has not been measured.

3. Some people think that the multiwave oscillator (MWO) can adjust the frequency?
Why do you have this idea?
One is due to the online publicity of multi-wave oscillator frequency range is very large, the other is frequency resonance therapy. Misunderstandings about the frequency range have passed above.
Frequency Resonance: There’s a lot of content on a lot of therapists online, including promotional videos, but most don’t tell you what resonance with cells is. According to lakhovsky’s cell oscillation theory, electromagnetic waves resonate with filaments in the cytoplasm and nucleus. Because the oscillation circuit composed of these filaments is too small, the resonance frequency is very high, that is, the wavelength is very short, belonging to the category of ultrashort wave, even the range of invisible light and visible light, which is explained in detail in lakhovsky’s book. Multiwave oscillator harmonic frequency coverage is so wide, it is the harmonic resonance with the oscillating circuit in the cell, to restore the energy of the body’s various cells.
So need to adjust the frequency of resonance instrument or what are there? Invented zapper HULDA, invented BEAM RAY device rife, etc., their principle is to adjust the frequency resonance frequency to kill viruses, bacteria or worms, etc. A certain frequency is only for a single bacterium or virus. (low frequency and voltage of electromagnetic wave can’t and cells produce resonance)

4. Some people think that the frequency of the multiwave oscillator (MWO) is very high?
Why do you have this idea?
One is due to the large frequency range of multiwave oscillators advertised online, and the other is that lakhovsky does not know the original intention of making multiwave oscillators.
The original intention of lakhovsky’s multi-wave oscillator was that lakhovsky’s earliest therapeutic instrument was an ultrashort wave instrument with a wavelength of 2 meters to 10 meters, which was converted to a frequency of 30MHZ to 120MHZ. Later, he discovered that these frequencies had the side effect of heating cells, just like shooting all cells in the human body with a machine gun, regardless of good or bad. So he kept the frequency strictly within 1MHZ. As lakhovsky points out, many doctors know nothing about the parameters of their ultrashort wave devices, much less about the side effects they can have to kill good cells.


1.多波振荡器的基本振动频率从750千次到一千千兆不等,每秒 1 到 300 万亿次振动

里面关于频率的内容源于《波和辐射 生命之源》这本书,可以在我翻译的书中第18页找到相关内容。但是不知道是故意误导还是缺乏相关的科学知识,书中说的谐波一次却从未被提及,这就会让人误解这台机器是实实在在能发射这些频率的波。而事实上一台机器是不可能同时发射这么大范围的频率的。





lakhovsky(拉霍夫斯基)是法国人 (从俄罗斯移民过去的),而特斯拉是美国人。MWO的建造时间是于1930年左右在其老师D’Arsonval 的帮助下建造的。



那么需要调节频率的产生共振的仪器或者有哪些呢?发明zapper的HULDA,发明BEAM RAY 装置rife等,他们原理都是调节频率产生共振频率杀死病毒细菌或者蠕虫等。某一频率只针对单一的细菌或者病毒。(过低频率和电压的电磁波不可能和细胞产生共振)



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