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3D Printed EZ Spin Motor For sale

The kit have 3D printed frame、12 coils、Maglev bearing、reed and so on。use reed for switch,current is very low,a bolt under the device is used for adjust the Maglev bearing。  Payment with Paypal :$200 or €200 one kit shipping method:DHL $50 or €50 contact    

bedini sg coils for sale

8x20AWG+1x23AWG 130″  $100    shipping to international $50 standard 130′ coil with  8 power windings of 20awg and a trigger winding of 23awg. Payment with Paypal,€100or$100 one coil shipping method:DHL 4 to 5 days arrived €50or$50 contact me 国内  

bedini SG matched transistors for sale

These MJL21194 NPN transistors are perfect for your next monopole or solid state oscillator project。 the price in the following 4 Matched    $30.00 8 Matched    $80.00 20 Random    $75.00 shipping to international   $25 contact 国内

制作胶体银make Colloidal Silver

all that is necessary is to apply 27 volts DC to two electrodes made from 99.99% pure silver, placed in distilled water for about ten minutes. 制作胶体银只需要三节9伏电池、鳄鱼夹、99.99%的纯银和蒸馏水。三节电池串联组成27V直流电源,把两个银片放在整流水中,然后用鳄鱼夹接到电池正负极两端10分钟即可。制作完后,银表面会有黑褐色物质,使用干净的布或者医用棉花即可擦拭干净。  在1秒钟内通过1安培电流,在阴极上析出的物质重量叫物质的电化当量. 银的 电化当量是:4.025 g/Ah(克/安培小时) 如果电流=1mA,设电流效率=0.9 则:每小时可以生成一价银离子约38mg。 如果要300mL水中有10ppm银离子(3mg银),电解时间大约是45分钟。

Bedini SG Bicycle Wheel Kit for sale What’s included… High quality laser cut adjustable plastic frame that comes partially assembled.  600mm diameter 10mm thick plastic wheel with bearings. This allows the entire shaft to rotate for the purpose of connecting a fan, switches, etc… A 8transistor circurt board  is used  for you build 8 power windings and 1 trigger winding circrt.  Batteries coil and …


我的设备治疗方法: 治疗方法,把电极戴在腕部动脉或者腿部动脉并与动脉对齐,通电后,血管会有麻、跳感觉,旋转那个旋钮可以调节麻跳感大小。每天三次,每次20分钟。或者每天两次,每次10分钟通电后,间隔20分钟再做一次,再间隔20分钟做一次。电极用湿巾或者棉布缠绕并固定牢,可用针线缝紧。使用前电极浸泡在盐水中一会,把多余水分挤出,这样做的目的是为了增大电极与皮肤的接触面积。直接用金属电极接触皮肤进行治疗会损伤皮肤。 需要设备联系我。 免费试用三个月,无效只需把东西退还给我,不花一分钱。如效果不错请告诉身边的患者,同时支持我的工作。 如果你是电子爱好者或者喜欢这款设备,可以通过购买自行实验对各种疾病的治疗效果。购买地址: 国外科学家关于这种治疗方法的演讲视频。

Ferris Wheel-Bedini Cole circuit kit窗口电机 SSG电机驱动电路板

Bedini Cole  circuit  kit窗口电机 SSG电机驱动电路板,已经预留至36V,可以安装三对功率三极管用于驱动,霍尔提供驱动信号,购买后随PCB发送纸版安装指导图。 Bedini Cole  circuit  kit is designed for bedini window motor or Bedini SG’s base on energy from vacuum serious 21-23 。and it have updated at 05/2020,the new kit add the installation position of the diode,To replace the full-bridge rectifier module。The Bedini Cole  circuit can work in the range of 12V …

Bedini Capacitor Discharge Circuit or Large Comparator kits For Sale

The pcb is completely same with bedini’s circuit and kit,crack perfectly!(Designed, patented and manufactured by John Bedini and based on Tesla’s impulse charging technology, the large comparator is the ultimate in capacitor discharge technology. As demonstrated in Energy From The Vacuum DVD 33 and at the Bedini-Lindemann 2013 Science & Technology Conference, when connected to …

2015年能源会议照片-约翰BEDINI 自运行电机

这是约翰Bedini的演讲和示范自运行电动机的照片。这台机器是三台机器在一个,是我看见的第一个16年前当我第一次见到约翰。 它运行在25岁干电池在机器的底部腐蚀非常糟糕,这是在通过交代固定。当约翰拨动转子时,它开始运行,将螺旋桨和照明LED充电时的电池运行! 年底表示,这是比运行速度大约是25 – 30%从一开始的谈话。,不是因为花了那么多时间最后起床的速度,而是因为它实际上充电输入电池比当它开始。旧的腐蚀电池本质上是作为干电池电容器。