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Hydrogen-rich water reduced oxidative stress and renal fibrosis with unilateral ureteral obstruction

Hydrogen-rich water reduced oxidative stress and renal fibrosis with unilateral ureteral obstruction Order Hydrogen-rich water bottle   Abstract Background Congenital obstructive nephropathy (CKD) is commonly implicated in the pathophysiology of chronic kidney disease occurring in the pediatric and adolescent age groups and the release of reactive oxygen species contribute to the worsening of renal …

Hydrogen-rich water reduces inflammatory responses and prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in healthy adults

Hydrogen-rich water reduces inflammatory responses and prevents apoptosis of peripheral blood cells in healthy adults: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial Order Hydrogen-rich water bottle Abstract The evidence for the beneficial effects of drinking hydrogen-water (HW) is rare. We aimed to investigate the effects of HW consumption on oxidative stress and immune functions in healthy …

Violet Ray System introduction

Violet Ray System General introduction The high-frequency electrotherapy utilizes the theory that high-frequency electricity flows to produce heat and ultraviolet, thus constrict and expanding peripheral blood vessel of human body, ionizing oxygen in the air to produce ozone, and improving blood circulation with anti-bacterial and anti-phlogistic effect. Functions and features 1) Reduces skin irritation 2) Eliminates …

Violet Ray System with 7 tubes

Violet Ray System with 7 tubes Products have passed 3C certification and export CE certification Configuration: One host, 7 electrode glass tubes English manual Power plug: American standard, European standard Note: 1. Pregnant women and those with pacemakers implanted in the body are prohibited. 2. Do not leave the glass electrode tube in one …

EMEM8V Construction PEMF device

EM8V Construction  CAUTION: Very high voltages are involved. Do not attempt construction unless you have adequate understanding of electronics. CAUTION: Use of high voltage equipment is not recommended during pregnancy or if there is a heart pacer or other electronic equipment in the body. I have modified Paul Chubbuck’s notes and diagram to include the latest EM8V …

EM7V Construction simple rife machine

CAUTION: Very high voltages are involved. Do not attempt construction unless you have adequate understanding of electronics. I have modified Paul Chubbuck’s notes and diagram to include the latest EM7V technololgy. The EM7V uses coils wired in anti-parallel which increases both the magnetic and electrical fields. The unit can also be run with one of the …

Modified EMEM3D PLAN does kill Lyme disease

Modified EMEM3D  This version of the EMEM3D leaves out the internal 555 timer circuit, the 6 associated potentiometers, the internal/external switch, the set/run switch, the frequency counter instrument, and the pin jacks to plug in the frequency counter. Instead, it uses a programmable frequency source such at the F150. This is much more practical, allowing …

EMEM2 does kill Lyme disease

EMEM2 and EMEM3 Construction Notes 7-28-99 EMEM3D with LCM-1950 Meter EMEM3DV or EM7V with Ground Plate  (They look the same.) The EMEM2 was invented by Dan Tracy. In a conversation with “Doug”, the inventor of the large coil device, he commented that the EMEM2 does kill Lyme disease and that it is a lot of machine …

Irreversible ElectroPoration vs Cancer

Electric Pulses for Destroying Cancer Cells A team of biomedical engineers at Virginia Tech and the University of California at Berkeley has developed a new minimally invasive method of treating cancer, and they anticipate clinical trials on individuals with prostate cancer will begin soon. The process, called irreversible electroporation (IRE), was invented by two engineers, …

Beck and Hulda Blood Electrifcation Zapper 3IN1

The new circuit includes three functions: Bob Beck, Hulda’s Blood Electrifcation, ionic colloidal silver, and Zapper. Circuit board size: 68mm*50mm Power supply: 9V-12VDC Blood Electrifcation output: 4HZ, MAX ±27V, 100K rheostat to adjust the output current, the same as the original circuit parameters. Colloidal silver production: output voltage 27VDC. Zapper: 30KHZ  ±10%, 27VDC, 100K rheostat …

DNA Pathogen Frequencies and Calculation table

Calculation table:DNA frequency DNA Pathogen Frequencies An abridged version of the longer one published in 1999 by Charlene Boehm, the inventor of the DNA frequency method. Some text from that original paper has been removed from this version because it is outdated, redundant, or not specifically related to the DNA frequency method. A Look At …


我会以我的Rife设备为基础进行讲解,不适用于spooky2的rife设备以及其它类似spooky2的rife设备。 我制作的rife设备主要有两种: 一种是RPX V2.0,属于电极类rife设备。它通过电极片或者其它电极向身体输入治疗频率,这个治疗频率是通过固定的载波频率和信号发生器设置的频率在RPX内通过电路调制放大后产生。 另一种是MOPA,属于等离子rife设备,与原始的rife设备原理相同。它通过充有稀有气体的灯管向外辐射治疗频率,这个治疗频率是通过固定的载波频率和信号发生器设置的频率在MOPA内通过电路调制放大后产生。固定的载波频率也可以在MOPA面板通过旋钮设置1.8-3.1MHZ之间任意频率。 两种设备的共同点就是都有一个载波频率,一个信号发生器设置的频率。载波频率一般在MHz范围,这个频率无法听到;信号发生器设置的频率一般在KHz范围,有时也可以设置为Hz,这些频率基本大部分都能被耳朵听见,因为也叫音频。这两种频率一定要记好,下面讲解中要用到。 (这里稍微科普下,MHz代表百万赫兹,KHz代表千赫兹,Hz代表一赫兹。举个例子,2MHz表示两百万赫兹,等于2000KHz;2KHz等于2000Hz;2Hz等于2赫兹。) ———————————————————————- 下面说说网上分享的rife频率。 网上分享的rife频率也可以根据频率大小分为两种,一种是大于100KHz,一种是小于100KHz. 另外提一下什么是Rife原始频率,Rife原始频率的意思是Rife本人在其实验室中的实验设备和治疗设备(医生使用的)分别使用的频率,两种频率均是Rife原始频率。由于实验设备与治疗设备的不同,即使是杀死同一种病菌,两者使用的频率也是不一样的。实验室的实验设备由于制造的技术细节早已丢失,所以目前rife设备大多是根据治疗设备改进而来。 Rife原始频率链接: 下面具体说说频率计算和使用方法 首先讲讲Rife最初的治疗设备使用的频率计算方法。简单来说是谐波和边带法,什么是谐波,什么是边带可以自行科普,我主要讲讲怎么用这个方法。 举例说明: 例1. 当你得到的治疗频率是大于100KHz的时候,例如治疗频率是210KHz,你的设备载波是3MHz,这时候如何计算信号发生器要设置的频率? 首先:210KHz×14=2940KHz=2.94MHz   有人会问为什么不乘以15或者13,因为乘以14得出的结果最接近3MHz。 下一步:3MHz=3000KHz,3000KHz-2940KHz=60KHz 最后得出信号发生器需要设置的频率:首选60KHz,其次是60KHz÷2=30KHz ,再次是60KHz÷3=20KHz,除数一般35以内都可以。需要说明的是除数越小得到频率产生的治疗效果最好,其次还要根据rife设备允许输入的频率范围来选择。 MOPA设备允许输入的频率范围是100KHz以内,因此,只要你得到的结果在100KHz以内,均可以直接在信号发生器设置。一般使用信号发生器的扫频功能,比如你想使用60KHZ,频率范围就设置为54KHz-66KHz,也就是上下10%的频率范围。 RPX设备允许输入的频率范围是500KHz以内,因此,只要你得到的结果在500KHz以内,均可以直接在信号发生器设置。一般使用信号发生器的扫频功能,比如你想使用60KHZ,频率范围就设置为54KHz-66KHz,也就是上下10%的频率范围。同时也可以直接输入210KHz。 例2. 当你得到的治疗频率是大于100KHz的时候,例如治疗频率是11.04MHz,你的设备载波是3MHz,这时候如何计算信号发生器要设置的频率? 首先:11.04MHz÷4=2760KHz=2.76MHz   此时结果最接近3MHz。 下一步:3MHz=3000KHz,3000KHz-2760KHz=240KHz 最后得出信号发生器需要设置的频率:首选240KHz,其次是240KHz÷2=120KHz ,再次是240KHz÷3=80KHz,除数一般35以内都可以。需要说明的是除数越小得到频率产生的治疗效果最好,其次还要根据rife设备允许输入的频率范围来选择。 MOPA设备允许输入的频率范围是100KHz以内,因此,只要你得到的结果在100KHz以内,均可以直接在信号发生器设置。一般使用信号发生器的扫频功能,比如你想使用80KHZ,频率范围就设置为72KHz-88KHz,也就是上下10%的频率范围。 RPX设备允许输入的频率范围是500KHz以内,因此,只要你得到的结果在500KHz以内,均可以直接在信号发生器设置。 例3. 当你得到的治疗频率是小于100KHz的时候,例如治疗频率是20KHz,你的设备载波是3MHz,这时候如何计算信号发生器要设置的频率? 此时无需计算,直接设置扫频的频率范围。 MOPA设备允许输入的频率范围是100KHz以内,因此,扫频频率范围就设置为18KHz-22KHz,也就是上下10%的频率范围。 RPX设备允许输入的频率范围是500KHz以内,设置同MOPA设备。 这基本上就是RIFE频率的计算和使用。

FY2300 Can match Spooky2 Rife software

Brief Introduction FY2300 series Dual Channel Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator is a multifunctional signal generator product integrating Function Signal Generator, Arbitrary Waveform Generator, Pulse Signal Generator, Noise Signal Generator, Counter and Frequency Meter with excellent cost performance. This instrument adopts large scale CMOS integrated circuit and high speed MCU microprocessor. The internal circuit uses SPXO as …

Rife equipment FAQs

1. Who is Raymond Royal rife? You can find many websites and books about rife. Since our website is more focused on laboratory / research work and people who already know who rife is, we recommend that you search other online resources. Some of them are:;;;; . Note that you’ll …

Analysis of various rife equipment in the market

At present, rife devices in foreign markets are mixed. Basically, as long as the devices related to frequency can be called rife devices. It’s really puzzling. The purpose of this article is to help you identify the authenticity of these rife devices. At present, there are the following types of rife equipment in the market: …

Ozone disinfection sterilization machine

Ozone disinfection sterilization machine for the goods utilizing by light discharge principle of ozone to the air as prime material, creeping discharge technology jerks release of high concentrations of ozone. Ozone is one of the strongest known oxidant, at certain concentrations, it can quickly kill off the water and air in a variety of harmful …

Brain tuner FAQ

1.What tips will help me get the most benefit from my Brain Tuner? Create a Routine Daily, consistent use is critical to getting the benefits from your Brain Tuner—it is best to use it daily for at least 4 weeks. And the best way to do that is to incorporate the Brain Tuner into your existing daily …